Tawheed, the oneness of God, is the core of the Islamic faith. Mankind is assigned the duty of implementing this concept on earth in every walk of life since the days of Adam. However, Satan spares no effort to distract mankind from the guided path. This book points out and clarifies this concept
Author: Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Publisher: International Islamic Publishing House
The 'Ideal Muslim' is now in its second revised edition in English, it has been very well received by our English and Arabic readers. The author has even examined both Eastern and Western thoughts on certain issues and proved that the Islamic Ideal is superior in all cases.
Author: Muhammad Ali Al-Hashemi
Publisher: International Islamic Publishing House
The Criterion Between The Allies Of The Merciful And The Allies Of The Devil, by Shaikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah.
Author: Sheikh-ul-Islam ibn Taymiyyah
Translators: Salim Morgan
Generally regarded as the single most authentic collection of hadiths, Sahih al-Bukhari covers almost all aspects of life in providing proper guidance from the Messenger of Allah. This book is the work of over 16 years by Imam al-Bukhari who before writing any hadith in this book performed two rak'ahs prayer of guidance from Allah and when he was sure of the hadith's authenticity, he wrote it in the book.
Author: Muhammad ibn Ismaeel al-Bukhari
Publisher: http://www.islamspirit.com - Islam Spirit Website
Prophet Muhammad –pbuh- said: (All mankind are mistaker, and the best mistakers are those who make repentance) narrated by Al-Turmuthe. This booklet is small in size yet it is great in value. It shows the reality of repentance and the way leading to it.
Publisher: Daar Al-Watan
Source: http://www.islamhouse.com/p/1321
The Nature Of Fasting: This book will help the reader better understand the fine points about fasting. like; What is the nature of the things that break the fast? What are the rules by which one can know the difference between what breaks the fast and what does not?
Author: Sheikh-ul-Islam ibn Taymiyyah
Publisher: http://www.dar-alsalam.com - Darussalam Publications Website